Fog and low stratus has persisted in California’s central valley during the week of 12-16 January 2015. The visible imagery above shows the extent of the fog/low stratus at 1800 UTC on 12-15 January.
During the early morning hours of 16 January, high cirrus started to overspread the central Valley (That cirrus is apparent in the visible iamgery from 15 January above). The presence of cirrus makes use of the traditional method of fog detection — brightness temperature difference — problematic because the satellite no longer senses radiation from the low clouds; rather, cirrus radiation is being detected.
The four toggles below show Brightness temperature Difference and GOES-R IFR Probabilities at 0300 (top), 0700 (second from top), 1100 (second from bottom) and 1400 UTC (bottom) on 16 January 2015. At 0300 UTC, cirrus has overspread the northern part of the central Valley. At this time Merced, CA, shows IFR conditions. IFR Probabilities under the cirrus there show a flat field characteristic of conditions when IFR Probabilities are governed by Rapid Refresh data only. Probabilities are higher where satellite data are also included as predictors.
At 0700 UTC and 1100 UTC, cirrus has overspread the entire valley (with occasional breaks). Values of GOES-R IFR Probability are therefore suppressed, so interpretation of the IFR Probability value should be tempered by knowledge of the cloud field. A low value under clear skies means something different than a low value under a cirrus canopy. Under a cirrus canopy, the accuracy of the GOES-R IFR Probability Field depends on the accuracy of the Rapid Refresh model.
AT 1400 UTC, as the cirrus shield retreats, IFR Probabilities increase again over the central Valley.

Toggle between GOES-R IFR Probabilities from GOES-15 and Brightness Temperature Difference Fields, 0300 UTC 16 January 2015 (Click to enlarge)

Toggle between GOES-R IFR Probabilities from GOES-15 and Brightness Temperature Difference Fields, 0700 UTC 16 January 2015 (Click to enlarge)