Author Archives: Scott Lindstrom

Small-scale Fog Event near Puget Sound


GOES-R IFR Probabilities computed with GOES-15 and Rapid Refresh Data, 1100-2200 UTC on 9 February 2016 (Click to enlarge)

GOES-R IFR probabilities on Tuesday 9 February captured the development of a small-scale fog event in/around the southern part of Puget Sound in Washington State. The animation above shows high IFR Probabilities developing shortly before sunrise and persisting through most of the day in a region including Shelton, Olympia, Tacoma and Seattle.

MODIS visible data, below, from the Terra Satellite overpass shortly after 1800 UTC, below, shows the fogbank over the most of Puget Sound, extending inland only over the southern part of the sound.


MODIS Visible Imagery (0.65 µm), 1822 UTC on 9 February (Click to enlarge)

Suomi NPP viewed Puget Sound on two consecutive overpasses on 9 February, and visible imagery from those passes, just before 2000 UTC and near 2130 UTC, are shown below.  Fog Dissipation is apparent in the later image, which is consistent with the animation of IFR Probability at the top of this post, which animation shows IFR Probabilities declining in value after 2100 UTC.


Suomi NPP Visible Imagery (0.64 µm), 1953 and 2122 UTC on 9 February (Click to enlarge)

Fog and Low Stratus in Idaho’s Snake River Valley


GOES-R IFR Probability, hourly from 0500 through 1500 on 8 February 2016 (Click to enlarge)

River Valleys will be prone to fog when they are capped by strong High Pressure, as occurred early in the morning on 8 February 2016 over Idaho. The animations, above and below, show GOES-R IFR Probability fields and GOES Brightness Temperature Difference Fields, respectively. GOES-R IFR Probability fields include information from the Rapid Refresh about near-surface saturation. Compare IFR Probabilities at Burley Municipal Airport (KBYI) in Cassia County with those at Jerome County Airport (KJER) between 0800 and 1100 UTC, when visibilities and ceilings at the two airports vary. IFR Probabilities in general are higher when reported ceilings and visibilities are consistent with IFR conditions, and they are lower when IFR conditions are not reported.

Extensive mid-level stratus over the eastern portions of northern Idaho and western Montana have reduced values of IFR Probabilities (compared to the Snake River Valley where IFR Probabilities are large). This is a benefit of a fused product: Information from two sources combined is more powerful than either of the two sources individually. IFR Probability fields also have superior results when mid-level or higher clouds overspread an area. This occurs around 1200-1300 UTC over the northeastern portion of the Snake River Canyon around Rexburg and Idaho Falls, locations that maintain IFR (or near-IFR) conditions although the brightness temperature difference field has little signal. IFR Probabilities remain enhanced in the region, however, with a signal — a less pixelated, flatter field — that suggests only Rapid Refresh Data are being used as predictors of IFR.


GOES Brightness Temperature Difference (10.7µm – 3.9µm), hourly from 0500 through 1500 on 8 February 2016 (Click to enlarge)

IFR Conditions with a Coastal Storm


GOES-R IFR Probabilities, hourly from 0400 through 1515 UTC, 5 February 2016 (Click to enlarge)

IFR Conditions frequently occur with storms along the East Coast. Satellite detection of such conditions is very difficult because of the multiple cloud layers that accompany cyclogenesis. The IFR Probabilities, above, have a character that reflects their determination solely from Rapid Refresh Data. That is, Satellite Predictors were not considered over much of New England because of the presence of multiple cloud layers, as suggested in the Water Vapor animation below.

IFR Probability fields are initially entirely offshore in the animation above, and IFR conditions are not observed over southern New England.  Note how IFR probabilities initially increase over land over southern New Jersey and then quickly move northeastward into southern New England as IFR Conditions develop.  Because satellite predictors are unavailable in these regions (on account of the many clouds layers), the simultaneous development of high IFR Probabilities with observed IFR Conditions argues for a good simulation of the observed weather by the Rapid Refresh.  Fused data products such as IFR Probability fields join the strengths of different systems to provide a statistically more robust field than is possible from the individual pieces.

When daytime arrives — at around 1215 UTC in the animation above — a distinct transition is apparent in the GOES-R IFR Probability fields.  This occurs because Satellite Data — visible satellite data — can be used during daytime to articulate the regions of cloudiness with more precision.  Because cloudiness in general is better defined, IFR Probability fields (that require the presence of clouds) increase somewhat, and the color table used emphasizes that change.


GOES-13 Water Vapor 3-hourly Animation, 0400-1300 UTC, 5 February 2016 (Click to enlarge)

Near-IFR conditions over South Carolina


GOES-R IFR Probability (Upper Left), GOES-R Cloud Thickness (Lower Left), GOES-East Brightness Temperature Difference (10.7µm – 3.9µm) (Upper Right), GOES-East Water Vapor (6.5µm) at night, Visible Imagery (0.65µm) in day (Lower Right), hourly from 0315 UTC through 1400 UTC 29 January 2015 (Click to enlarge)

The animation above shows hourly imagery, from 0315 through 1400 UTC on 29 January 2016 (Click here for a faster animation). GOES-R IFR Probabilities are moving northeastward from South Carolina into North Carolina throughout the animation. Changes in surface observations of ceilings and visibilities closely match the motion of the GOES-R IFR Probability field. This is a case where the GOES-13 Brightness Temperature Field also is giving information about the presence of low clouds; GOES-R IFR Probability lends confidence to a forecaster that the stratus deck is actually fog because GOES-R IFR Probability includes information about low-level saturation (from the Rapid Refresh Model that is one of the predictors used in the statistical model used to generate IFR Probability fields).

In the early part of the animation, higher clouds are present and can be detected both in the water vapor imagery and in the brightness temperature difference (high clouds are dark in the enhancement curve used). When high clouds are present, GOES-R Cloud Thickness (in the lower left of the figures above) will not be determined as it is derived from an empirical relationship between the 3.9 emissivity of low clouds and cloud thickness that was determined from sodar observations of cloud thickness off the West Coast of the USA. High clouds prevent a determination of this relationship. Regions where GOES-R Cloud Thickness is not computed at night because of high clouds correspond very well with regions where GOES-R IFR Probability is determined by Rapid Refresh Model Output only.

Fog in California’s Central Valley


GOES-R IFR Probability Fields and GOES Brightness Temperature Difference (10.7 µm – 3.9 µm) at 0500 UTC, 25 January 2016 (Click to enlarge)

Fog developed over California’s central Valley during the early morning of 25 January 2016.  The toggle above shows the GOES-R IFR Probability field and the GOES Brightness Temperature Difference field at 0500 UTC, before any IFR conditions were reported. Note that the brightness temperature difference field reports large regions of water-based clouds over Nevada — IFR Probability fields screen out this region because low-level saturation is not occurring in the Rapid Refresh Model.  The inference should be that any cloud present there is mid-level stratus rather than fog. That screening of water-based clouds continues at 0700 UTC, below.  Around Hanford, IFR Probability values have increased as ceilings and visibilities have lowered.


As above, but at 0700 UTC (Click to enlarge)


As above, but at 0900 UTC (Click to enlarge)

By 0900 UTC, above, high clouds have moved over Hanford (shown as dark streaks in the brightness temperature difference field enhancement) where IFR conditions are occurring. IFR Probability fields correctly continue to maintain a strong signal around Hanford even though brightness temperature difference fields cannot detect low clouds because of the presence of high clouds. Thus, GOES-R IFR Probability in that region is controlled by Rapid Refresh Model output that successfully predicted the presence of low-level saturation. By 1100 UTC, below, the high clouds have moved south, and GOES-R IFR Probability values rebound. When both Satellite data and Model data can be used as predictors, IFR Probability field values are larger than when only satellite data or only model data are used as predictors.


As above, but at 1100 UTC (Click to enlarge)


As above, but at 1300 UTC (Click to enlarge)

By 1300 UTC, the region of IFR Conditions near Hanford has expanded — and a second region has developed closer to Sacramento.  IFR Probability fields continue to screen out regions that the brightness temperature difference field alone suggests are regions of low stratus.  Surface-based observations do show regions of mid-level stratus over Nevada, around San Francisco, and over northern California, three regions where the brightness temperature difference signal is strong.  The higher terrain of the Sierra Nevada to the east of the Central Valley also shows higher IFR Probability as might be expected where terrain rises up into mid-level stratus.

The 1500 UTC images, below, continue these trends.  By 1700 UTC, at bottom, there is enough solar radiation reflecting off the clouds that the brightness temperature difference has flipped sign.  The IFR Probability field, however, has a consistent signal over the persistent region of low clouds/fog around Hanford and around Sacramento.


As above, but at 1500 UTC (Click to enlarge)


As above, but at 1700 UTC (Click to enlarge)

Dense Fog and Freezing Fog in Montana and North Dakota


GOES-R IFR Probability Fields, 0300-1300 UTC on 20 January 2015 (Click to enlarge)

Dense Fog over North Dakota and Freezing Fog over eastern Montana prompted the issuance of Dense and Freezing Fog advisories early Wednesday Morning.    GOES-R IFR Probabilities, above, computed from data from the GOES-13 Imager and from Rapid Refresh Model output, capture the growth/evolution of the fog field. In general, the IFR Probability field captures the area of reduced visibilities (with some exceptions, such as KHEI (Hettinger, ND, near the border with South Dakota is southwest North Dakota).

Compare the areal extent of the IFR Probability field with that from the Brightness Temperature Difference from GOES, below. The presence of multiple cloud layers prevents any satellite from viewing low clouds, and satellite-only products therefore give little information about near-surface events in much of western North Dakota and Montana.  When Rapid Refresh Model output is controlling the GOES-R IFR Probability field, as happened in this case over Montana and western North Dakota, the IFR Probability will have lower values and a less pixelated look that reflects the coarser model resolution and model smoothing.


GOES Brightness Temperature Difference fields, 0300-1300 UTC, 20 January 2016 (Click to enlarge)

Dense Fog Advisories in southern Idaho

Dense Fog Advisories were issued over southern Idaho early on 19 January 2016. GOES-R IFR Probability fields, below, show high probabilities in this region. Surface observations are not common over northern Utah/southern Idaho, and the hourly animation does show IFR Conditions observed near the high IFR Probabilities over southern Idaho and northern Utah (Logan, UT — KLGU — at 41:47 N, 111:51 W, in far northern Utah from 0300 – 1300 UTC; Elko NV — KEKO — at 40:50 N, 115:47 W also shows IFR conditions).  The Snake River Valley in Idaho also shows high IFR Probabilities during parts of the animation.

GOES-R IFR Probability fields fuse together information from GOES-15 (or, in the eastern part of the USA, GOES-13) and Rapid Refresh Data. Highest probabilities occur where the satellite detects low (water-based) clouds and where the Rapid Refresh Model predicts low-level saturation. High IFR Probabilities don’t necessarily guarantee the presence of IFR Conditions — but they are a flag that should prompt a forecaster to be alert to the possibility that IFR conditions are present nearby or are developing. When dense fog is valley-based as might happen in the Rocky Mountains, GOES Pixel footprints and Rapid Refresh model resolution are sometimes too coarse to resolve completely the fog. MODIS data (bottom) has 1-km horizontal resolution and IFR Probabilities computed from MODIS data are more likely to resolve small valleys.


GOES-R IFR Probability fields computed from Rapid Refresh Model Output and GOES-15 Satellite Data, hourly from 0200 – 1500 UTC, 19 January 2016 (Click to enlarge)


GOES-R IFR Probability computed from MODIS data and Rapid Refresh Model output, 1023 UTC 19 January 2016 (Click to enlarge)

Dense Fog over the Upper Midwest


SSEC WebCam, north-facing, at 1555 UTC on 8 January 2016 (Click to enlarge)

A storm in the Midwest that has drawn moist air northward (dewpoints exceed freezing over snowcover over much of the upper midwest) has caused advection fog over a wide area of the upper midwest. (The WebCam at SSEC in Madison WI (source) is shown above)  Dense Fog Advisories (below) were issued by the Davenport, Des Moines, Lincoln and LaCrosse WFOs. Extratropical storm systems are usually accompanied by multiple cloud layers that prevent the satellite from viewing low stratus. For such events as these, only a fog-detection product that includes surface-based information will be useful. GOES-R IFR Probability fields, below, neatly outline the region of lowest visibilities and ceilings.  As the highest probabilities push to the east over Wisconsin and Illinois, visibilities and ceilings both drop.

Other aspects of the animation below require comment. IFR Probability fields use predictors based on both satellite and model data; if one of those predictors cannot be used (satellite data, for instance, in regions where high clouds that mask the view of the near-surface), IFR Probability values will be suppressed. The relatively flat nature of the GOES-R IFR probability field over Iowa is characteristic of a field controlled mainly by Rapid Refresh Model output. But there are embedded regions of greater values of IFR Probability that propagate northward: these are regions where breaks in the higher/mid-level clouds allow the satellite to view low clouds, and satellite predictors are available to the algorithm, and probabilities can therefore be larger. Similarly, as the sun rises — at the end of the animation — IFR Probability in general increases as visible imagery can be used for more confident cloud-clearing. The algorithm yield higher probabilities of IFR Conditions because there is more confidence that a cloud is actually present.

GOES-13 Brightness Temperature Difference values are shown below the IFR Probability field. There is little relationship between the Brightness Temperature Difference field and the reduced surface visibility/lowered ceilings. Note also how the character of the brightness temperature difference field changes as reflected solar radiance becomes important at sunrise.


Hourly GOES-R IFR Probability fields, 0200-1500 UTC on 8 January 2015 (Click to enlarge)


GOES-13 Brightness Temperature Difference (10.7 µm – 3.9 µm) Fields, 0800-1500 UTC on 8 January 2015 (Click to enlarge)

Fog over the High Plains under Multiple Cloud Layers


GOES-13 IFR Probability fields, 0100-1400 UTC, 6 January 2015, and surface observations of ceilings and visibility (Click to enlarge)

National Weather Service offices in El Paso and in Lubbock issued dense fog advisories for portions of their respective CWAs early on 6 January 2016. Moisture from a storm entering from the Pacific Ocean (as suggested by this graphic showing the GFS 00-h analysis from 1200 UTC showing the 300-mb jet) means multiple cloud layers. Higher clouds make satellite-only detection of low clouds difficult, and the animation above shows regions (north of Roswell — KROW — at the end of the animation, for example) where the flat GOES-R IFR Probability field suggests only Rapid Refresh data are diagnosing the probability of IFR conditions.

The Brightness Temperature Difference fields, below, for the same times as the IFR Probability fields at top, miss regions of reduced visibility under multiple cloud layers, and also have strong returns in regions of mid-level stratus. Because GOES-R IFR Probability incorporates information about saturation in the lowest 1000 feet of the atmosphere (in the form of Rapid Refresh Model Output), regions that are saturated in low levels that cannot be diagnosed as foggy by satellite alone because of mid-level/high-level clouds can be flagged as likely having IFR conditions, and regions that are flagged by the satellite as having stratus (stratus and fog can look very similar to a satellite) can be screened out if low-level saturation is not diagnosed in the model. Both of these actions serve to increase the GOES-R IFR Probability’s ability to diagnose correctly areas of low clouds/fog relative to brightness temperature difference fields alone.

One other advantage to GOES-R IFR probability fields: They are not strongly affected by changing amounts of 3.9 µm radiation around sunrise/sunset. In the animation below, note how at 1400 UTC (just past sunrise) the brightness temperature difference signal is collapsing. This is because increasing amounts of reflected solar 3.9 µm radiation are changing the difference between observed 10.7 µm and 3.9 µm radiation above water-based clouds. Little change occurs in the IFR Probability fields at this time however.


GOES-13 Brightness Temperature Difference (10.7µm – 3.9µm) fields, 0100-1400 UTC, 6 January 2015, and surface observations of ceilings and visibility (Click to enlarge)

Persistent fog and freezing fog over New Mexico and Texas


GOES-R IFR Probability fields, 0415-1745 UTC on 30 December 2015 (Click to enlarge)

Fog with sub-freezing temperatures developed over New Mexico and west Texas early on the 30th of December, and persisted into mid-day. How well did conventional (and newer) algorithms designed to detect fog perform? The GOES-R IFR Probability fields, above, hourly from 0415 UTC through 1745 UTC on 30 December, show highest IFR Probabilities initially along the Pecos River in New Mexico. Airports at both Artesia and Roswell reported IFR conditions continuously during the period shown. IFR Conditions developed over Texas west of a line from about Breckenridge (in Stephens County) to Vernon Texas (in Wilbarger County). The southern extent of the ice fog was near a Midland (in Midland County) to Coleman (in Coleman County) line. High IFR Probabilities were common over Texas where the Fog/Freezing Fog was occurring.

The Brightness Temperature Difference field for the same times are shown below. The Brightness Temperature Difference field captures the presence of water-based clouds along the Pecos River in New Mexico — both at night (orange enhancement) and during the day (black enhancement). The Brightness Temperature Difference field tells you something about the top of the cloud only, however; it cannot give information about the cloud base. (In contrast, the GOES-R IFR Probability product, because it fuses satellite data with surface information derived from Rapid Refresh Model output, a distinction between mid-level stratus and low fog is possible). In addition, there are regions in the brightness temperature difference field where no strong signal occurs even though fog is present (Hobbs, NM in Lea County and Seminole TX in Gaines County, for example).


GOES-13 Brightness Temperature Difference Fields (10.7 µm – 3.9 µm), 0415-1745 UTC on 30 December 2015 (Click to enlarge)