GOES-R IFR Probabilities computed using GOES-13 and Rapid Refresh Data, 0400-1000 UTC on 20 March 2017 (Click to enlarge)
Note: GOES-R FLS products are currently derived from GOES-13 and GOES-15 data. A GOES-16 version of the GOES-R FLS products will not be available until later in 2017.
Dense Fog advisories were issued for much of central and southern Louisiana (screenshot taken from this site) on Monday morning, 20 March 2017; IFR and Low IFR conditions were widespread (screenshot from this site). The animation above shows the development of IFR Probabilities in concert with the development of IFR conditions. A strength of the IFR Probability field on this day was that it indicated the possibility of fog development some time before satellite brightness temperature difference fields. Low-level saturation was (correctly) occurring in the Rapid Refresh model, and that helped increase IFR Probability values.
Consider the toggle below, showing, the IFR Probability and Brightness Temperature Difference fields at 0500 UTC. The Brightness Temperature Difference field over coastal Louisiana at 0500 shows little indication of fog development. An animation brightness temperature difference fields that matches the 0400-1000 UTC timeframe shown above for IFR Probabilities is below. Although a strong brightness temperature difference signal is present in Texas, it does take some time for the signal to develop over Louisiana. IFR Probabilities were more helpful for situational awareness on this day.