GOES-R IFR Probabilities computed from GOES-West at 0930 UTC on 28 May, and Color-enhanced terrain (Click image to enlarge)
When IFR Probabilities are enhanced over high terrain, how confident can you be that IFR conditions are occurring? Surface observations are rare on mountain tops. It’s possible that clouds occurring are at one level as the terrain rises up into the clouds, and ceilings at adjacent stations can give an indication of the cloud base (in the present case, ceilings are about 9000 feet above sea level at Seattle, for example).
Suomi/NPP Day/Night band imagery can verify that clouds exist in the region where IFR Probabilities are elevated. The toggle below, of Day/Night band and Brightness Temperature Differences, shows compelling evidence (even in low light conditions) of clouds along the spine of the mountains in central Washington and Oregon.
Suomi/NPP VIIRS Day/Night Band and Brightness Temperature Difference (11.45 µm – 3.74 µm), 0935 UTC on 28 May (Click to enlarge)
High-resolution MODIS data are also used to produce IFR Probabilities, and they can be used to deduce the presence of low ceilings/reduced visibilities as well. The toggle below, from 1027 UTC, shows the brightness temperature difference field (11.0 – 3.9) from MODIS and the IFR Probability field. It is likely in this case that high clouds were shrouding the higher peaks of the Cascade Mountains.