GOES-16 Visible (0.64) imagery and GOES-16 IFR Probabilities, 1521 UTC on 7 October 2019 (Click to enlarge)
GOES-R IFR Probability fields from GOES-16, shown above in a toggle with visible imagery, can identify where IFR conditions are most likely under an extensive cloud shield. The image above shows an AWIPS combination of the visible imagery and the IFR Probability field at the same time (an intermediate step is also shown in the toggle). IFR Probability is aligning well with stations reporting IFR conditions. Stations reporting higher ceilings under the clouds are mostly outside the band of higher IFR Probabilities.
Placing the IFR Probability field underneath the Visible Image that is somewhat transparent allows a user to see where IFR conditions are most likely in the cloud field. This is a good situational awareness tool for daytime Fog.